Lockdown Lunches
(revised 18/04/2020) 'Stay at home!' is the official government advice and we're now several weeks into doing just that. We started our own lockdown a week before the official announcement because Al is a key worker and we decided that it was best if he were the only person leaving the house. He has a very strict routine to keep him, his clients and us as safe as possible while he's out and when he arrives back so, fingers crossed, we will stay safe! I have been shopping twice in the last few weeks but, mainly, that task falls to Alyn along with popping things round to elderley relatives and picking up prescriptions etc. I have some work coming up which will take me out of the house but, hopefully, safely and with all social distancing adhered to. I'll be out less than an hour. We weren't one of those families who went into panic-mode, stocking up on tins and pasta and … loo roll? But shopping did become a bit of a challenge because of those who...